30 Day Diet Reset

By Nichole Krueger | January 1, 2023

Blue Minimalist Welcome 2023 New Year Instagram Post (2)

I love a new beginning!

A new day, a new week, a new month, a new quarter…a new YEAR! It reminds me that we can always have a fresh start. And I’m taking full advantage of the “fresh start” feeling this year.

This past year has been a whirlwind, in the best of ways. I left my 20 year career in IT to start a business and help women with their health, my husband had a major health scare, I sent one child off to college, one got their driver’s license. And in the hustle and bustle of all the change, my health suffered. 

The good habits that I had related to exercise and eating were attached to my job outside of the home – which I no longer had. When I worked outside of the home, I had certain times that I ate my meals, I got A LOT of steps in (and many flights of stairs) each day, and there was an on-site fitness facility that I could use while I was on the clock. 

I didn’t realize how much impact these habits had on my health. One year later, I’ve gained 15 pounds. I started a business to help women in their health and in the process, I let mine slip. 

But, New Years are for new beginnings!

Last week as I did my “year in review”, I realized that I had fallen further than I thought. As I was setting my 90 day goals for the first quarter of 2023, I set my health as #1 priority. I’m starting with a 30 day diet reset. If you want to follow along, I’ll be sharing on Instagram. Here’s how I’m doing it:

30 Day Diet Reset Rules

  1. No flour
  2. No refined sugar
  3. No industrial seed oils
  4. No alcohol
  5. 30 grams (minimum) of protein at each meal
  6. LOTS of veggies
  7. Plenty of fruit
  8. 80-90 ounces of water each day
  9. If you fall the wagon, just get back on


No flour

This eliminates many processed carbs – crackers, tortillas, bread, cookies, cereal, muffins, waffles, etc. These carbohydrates have little to no nutritional value, spike blood sugar, are easily overeaten, and are addictive in nature. So I’m cutting them out.


No refined sugars

This also eliminates a lot of processed carbohydrates. Check labels – sugar is in pretty much everything, including many salad dressings, ketchup and other condiments, coffee creamers, and non-diary milks (unless it states “unsweetened”) to name a few. If you feel like you need a sweet treat, check out my Chocolate Protein Muffin recipe. It uses a small amount of maple syrup + xylitol, doesn’t have any flour, and is 100% on plan!



No industrial seeds oils

Seeds oils are insidious in foods that you find in the inner aisles of the grocery store.

If it comes in a bag, box, or bottle, beware. These oils ultimately cause inflammation, which causes damage to our body. All chronic disease is rooted in inflammation – and these oils are HUGE contributors. 

So there is one caveat. You’ll see grapeseed oil listed on this list, but you’ll also probably notice that I used Grapeseed Oil Vegenaise in some of my recipes. Though this mayonnaise isn’t perfect, it’s so much better than many of the other options on the market (especially if you have an egg allergy to contend with). Follow Your Heart states that their grapeseed oils is gently cold pressed, which doesn’t cause the oxidation (and the inflammation) that is caused when the oils are heated. So, in the instance of cold-pressed grapeseed oil that will not be heated, I make an exception for this oil.


No alcohol

Short and simple, alcohol is toxic to the human body. It damages the liver, causes inflammation in the body, blood sugar instability, and reduces blood flow to the brain. Alcohol also lowers your inhibitions and makes you more likely to indulge in unhealthy food. It’s off the menu for January.


30 grams (minimum) of protein at each meal

Protein is the building block of life. Every cell in the human body contains protein. We need protein to repair our tissues, produce neurotransmitters, build our immune system – it is a critical nutrient. And women generally do not get enough of it.

You can get this from eggs, meat, beans, nuts, seeds – and if you’re not getting enough from food, y0u can supplement with protein powder. My favorites are Paleo Valley Bone Broth Protein – Pure Unflavored (it’s unflavored and unsweetened – I mix in into my coffee like collagen powder) and Arbonne’s new Simply 1 Vegan Protein Powder (strawberry is my favorite!) – if you don’t have an Arbonne rep, here is a link to my friend Christa’s store.


LOTS of veggies

I didn’t specify an amount here, and I know that will mess with some people. I don’t think there is a “correct” amount for everyone, and this can set people up for failure.

Aim for what is a lot for you – if you currently eat NO veggies, having a salad for lunch and adding some carrots at dinner might be “lots” for you. And that’s great!

Just aim for an improvement in this area. We’re looking for the fiber, vitamins, and phytonutrients that a wide array of veggies provides. 


Plenty of fruit

Fresh fruit has good nutrient profile as well. Fruit does contain sugars, so I personally won’t be eating buckets of it, but I will aim to eat a serving of fruit 2-3 times per day.

Fruit can be a good source of fiber, vitamins, and phytonutrients as well.


80-90 ounces of water each day

I can’t overstate this – many of us live in a dehydrated state and it is NOT doing us any favors with our health. 

Your brain and your heart are about 73% water. Your lungs are about 83% water, your skin is approximately 64% water, the muscles and kidneys are about 79% water. Even your bones – about 1/3 of your bones are made up of water.

We excrete a lot of that water when we sweat, when we move, and when we breathe, so you really have to put it all back into your body.

Consider adding a pinch of pink Himalayan or Celtic salt to your water (you can read about why here).


last but not least…

If you fall off the wagon, or mess up in any way (and chances are we will!) – don’t make that mean anything about you. Don’t make it mean that you failed, or that you “never stick to anything”. All it means is that you are one of the humans, and you made a mistake. Just get back to it – your next decision is the important one. You next decision can get you back on track.



Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® (FDN) health coaches do not diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease or condition. Nothing we share is intended to substitute for the advice, treatment or diagnosis of a qualified licensed physician. FDN Practitioners may not make any medical diagnoses or claim, nor substitute for your personal physician’s care. It is the role of a FDN Practitioner to partner with their clients to provide ongoing support and accountability in an opt-in model of self care and should be done under the supervision of a licensed physician.


Nichole Krueger

I’m Nichole Krueger. First and foremost, I’m a wife and a mother of 5. I am also a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition®️ Practitioner, a health coach, and a life-long lover of all things health-related (though what I consider “healthy” has changed over the years). I am passionate about helping moms (or any woman for that matter!) get to the bottom of what’s making them feel “off” and to help them to feel whole.